Texas Business Schools

Texas business schools can help you realize your professional goals in one of the most business-friendly states in America.

Pursue the type of business career you're most fascinated by: Maybe it's something like accounting or management. Or maybe you want to work in an administrative role. Whatever your ambition may be, many business schools in Texas offer program options that can enable you to follow it.

And Texas is home to an astonishing number of Fortune 500 companies. They span all kinds of sectors, such as energy, technology, and finance. So, when the time comes to look for employment or advancement opportunities, your options could be wide-ranging.

Why would you look at business colleges anywhere else? Learning in a flourishing city like Dallas, Houston, Austin, or San Antonio can allow you to develop valued skills in a place where you will actually get to practice them.

So go after greater independence and opportunity. These Texas business schools are ready to help you make it happen. Find a school near you right now: Just enter your zip code into the search tool below!

Frequently Asked Questions About Business Careers in Texas

UEI College

  • Dallas
  • Business Office Administration

3 Frequently Asked Questions About Business Careers in Texas

Texas Business SchoolsTexas is thriving. In fact, one out of seven jobs created in the U.S. between July 2017 and July 2018 was based in Texas, for a total of 350,000 new jobs. A business education can help you gain success in this busy economy—whether you're seeking to start a new career, upgrade your existing credentials, or launch a business of your own. Ready to learn more? Check out the answers to these common questions:

1. What Kind of Business Jobs Pay Well in Texas?

The list of good-paying business careers in the Lone Star State is, well, Texas-sized. Companies within every industry in Texas rely on business professionals to manage their accounting, take care of their human resource needs, create their sales plans, and handle many other aspects of their operations. That's why gaining versatile business expertise can be a great way to start reaping the rewards of booming Texas industries—even if you don't necessarily have industry-specific knowledge. Here are a few examples of industries in which your business skills can really pay off.

The salaries below are the average annual wages in Texas as of May 2018, according to the Occupational Employment Statistics program.

Healthcare administration careers support the vast Texas healthcare industry. According to the Texas Workforce Commission (TWC), close to one million Texans work in health-related occupations. And that number is expected to grow to over 1.2 million by 2026, an increase of about 25 percent. Those numbers add up to a lot of business-related opportunities within healthcare organizations. In fact, the Houston-based Texas Medical Center is the biggest medical complex on the planet. Some careers in this sector include:

  • Medical and health services managers—$105,450
  • Payroll clerks—$44,390
  • Insurance claims processors—$39,950
  • Medical administrative assistants—$34,150

Construction is one of the state's biggest industries. According to TWC, this sector employs over 681,000 people. And jobs in building construction alone are expected to increase in number by over 16 percent between 2016 and 2026. The rapid growth in the number of people living in Texas is a big reason behind the construction industry's bright forecast. According to an article on the Forbes website, between 2010 and 2017, the population of Texas grew by 12.6 percent. In contrast, the overall U.S. population grew by five percent over that same period. All of those new Texans need homes, repairs and upgrades to those homes, and ways to get around.

What kinds of business professionals help support the active construction industry? Check out these careers:

  • Construction managers—$98,420
  • Property managers—$78,420
  • Labor relations specialists— $69,310
  • Human resources specialists—$67,190

The transportation and warehousing industry ensures that valuable materials get where they need to go. The Texas Economic Development Corporation says the Lone Star State consistently ranks as the top exporting state in the country. It's all made possible by the state's 380 airports, 10,539 miles of rail, and 16 seaports. But don't forget the businesspeople who coordinate and manage the flow of goods across the state and around the world. People in these careers work behind the scenes to help the industry run smoothly:

  • Transportation, storage, and distribution managers—$105,320
  • Logisticians—$86,500
  • Business operations specialists—$80,140
  • Bookkeeping clerks—$41,390

2. What Is the Job Market Like for Business Professionals in Texas?

Business Professionals in TexasOne word: promising. Overall, almost 1.4 million new jobs are expected to be added in the state between 2017 and 2022. Which business-related occupational areas will see strong job growth? Check out the expected growth of the following examples for the decade between 2016 and 2026, according to TWC:

  • Tax preparers—20.4 percent
  • Accountants and auditors—18.9 percent
  • Securities, commodities, and financial services sales agents—17.2 percent
  • Advertising and promotions managers—14.9 percent
  • Office and administrative support occupations—9.7 percent

3. Is Texas a Good Place to Become an Entrepreneur?

Yes. Texas is a great place to start a business. With one of the largest civilian workforces in the nation and favorable tax laws, Texas has a lot to offer potential entrepreneurs. And there's a strong history of innovation in the state. Check out these facts from the Houston Chronicle: Among Texas business owners, over 72 percent founded their own companies. And for over 66 percent of Texas business owners, the company they currently own is their first one. In contrast, the U.S. average for first-time business owners is about 62 percent. Major companies that started in Texas include Dell, 7-Eleven, and Whole Foods Market.

Plus, Texas business owners and their employees can enjoy a surprisingly low overall cost of living: The average house price in Texas is more than 15 percent lower than the overall U.S. average. In addition, the state has no personal income tax.

Take the Next Steps Toward Business Success

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